June photos

In lieu of a proper post (it’s been quiet here for a while), herewith some recent photos. I resurrected my compact camera a few days ago, and am very happy to give the usual smartphone shots a break.



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Some twilight shots. Immediately above is the Shibuya station redevelopment in full swing. The speed of the current construction is quite astonishing. Most of this will be ready on time for the Olympics. It will make the second-busiest train station in the world ever busier, and make Shibuya an ever more generic shopping and office district.


I cycle by this sporting ground occasionally and always marvel at the view towards Shinjuku on offer here. The two Tanges — TMG Building and Park Hyatt are on good display.




These three aerials were taken from atop the Caretta Shiodome building, home to Japan’s biggest advertising agency Dentsu. The first shot is taken eastwards and shows some of the high-rise residential developments on the reclaimed land in the Bay, e.g. Harumi. The second shot shows the famous Nakagin Capsule Tower from a fairly untypical vantage point. Its decrepit state is rather obvious. Lastly, this is the Tsukiji fish market. The extent of this largest market of its kind is quite breathtaking.






And lastly, two photos from my walk to university. The first shows Aoyama Cemetery, the biggest inner-city cemetery, which occupies the gently-sloped hills between Roppongi and Aoyama. The last photo shows a small park in the Meiji Jingu complex at the height of its green in early June.

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